6 August 2022

Most useless organisations of our time

Amnesty International has claimed that Ukrainian fighting tactics endanger civilians by setting up military bases set up in residential areas including schools and hospitals and launching attacks from populated civilian areas. That strongly supports Russian aggression against its neighbor.

The Amnesty´s claim is intellectually dishonest and shows how loosely the organisation is connected to the real world. That was also noticed by its Ukrainian sub-organisation, which decided to resign from the report. After all, Ukrainians are using empty buildings - that hardly endangers anybody´s safety.  

The United Nations has not been able to stop the Russian attack. Instead, the veto-right of Russia has halted all decision making in the organisation. Therefore it is clear, that solution to the crisis can only be based on other solutions. That is, military force.

After all this, the ultimate destiny of the UN may be similar to the League of Nations, which was replaced by the UN after not being able to prevent the second world war. The main problem with UN was that great powers - like Soviet Union in 1940´s - always refuse to make agreements that may turn against them, and therefore included the veto-right to the greatest powers of the time. 

Taken together, right now it looks like Amnesty International and United Nations would be two of the most useless organisations of our time.

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