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22 February 2023

A new wave of asylum seekers

According to the European Union Agency for Asylum, the last year´s number of asylum seekers was highest since year 2016. Their number was 966 000 people - excluding most Ukrainians - whereas in 2016 the EU borders were crossed by 1 256 000 asylum seekers. 

It remains to be seen how this new wave of people affects the internal unity of the Union. How the incoming people will be distributed among different countries, and how will their costs be covered in EU going towards economic challenges?

In Finland, there has been no obvious change if Ukrainians are not counted. That underlines the impact of former prime minister Juha Sipilä (Center party), who invited Iraqi people in 2015 by promising his own house to their use. Now no Finn has invited people from anywhere to travel through safe countries of Europe to look for asylum in Finland, and almost no one seems to prioritize the cold northern country as their destination. 

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
The change in the demographic structure of Helsinki
Sweden already in trouble - Finland following
175 happy winners

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