14 July 2023

The Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs apologized to the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs for the words of the woman who criticized the man who exposed his penis

In Finland, the left-wing opposition has recently been trying to bring down the government in collaboration with major media houses by seeking evidence of racism in the old writings of the Finns Party ministers.

One of the cases involved Minister of Finance Riikka Purra, who was claimed to have written about Turkish monkeys 15 years ago. The case was reported incorrectly because Purra had not referred to Turks in general as monkeys but rather to a specific Turkish man who had disturbed her dinner in a restaurant by staring and simultaneously digging his penis.

Surprisingly, Minister of Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen (National Coalition Party) apologized to the Turks without verifying the original text. The situation is almost comical, with the foreign minister apologizing to Turks for the reaction of a woman who was harassed by a disgustingly behaving man. Hopefully, the truth will one day come out for both the Turks and Finland's foreign minister.

Another recent incident concerned Purra's blog post from 2019, which was claimed to be racist in the Finnish press. However, this article was also reported incorrectly to the Finnish people because it explicitly advocated for Muslim women to have the same rights in Finland as Western women and was neither racist nor sexist.

As a result of these inaccurately reported writings, the left-wing opposition has demanded that the Parliament be called into session during the holiday period to discuss these matters. Parliament Chair Jussi Halla-aho (Finns Party) has promised to issue the invitation if any government party supports the demand, but the National Coalition Party, at least, is reluctant.

However, if the Parliament is called together, it is possible - or rather probable - that the Finnish government will collapse.

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