18 January 2024

The Rwanda Law of Britain paves the way for the future of Western Europe

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - as the island nation's official name goes - is undergoing a process aimed at mitigating the impact of economic migrants from developing countries. In its latest development, the lower house of Parliament approved a bill that would designate Rwanda as a safe country, allowing asylum seekers to be sent there to await the processing of their cases— and, following a positive decision, potentially resettling them in the same country.

The bill now moves to the next stage, awaiting approval from the House of Lords, known as the curious relic of Britain's innate social inequality, the monarch's favorites, and the conclave of priests and senior jurists. If it also approves the bill, left-leaning legal scholars would no longer be able to argue claims of Rwanda's insecurity.

The entire process has, of course, arisen because so-called humanitarian immigrants have caused various issues in their new homeland. Muslims, in particular, are well-represented in violent crimes, accounting for about 20 percent, despite worshippers of Allah making up less than seven percent of the country's population.

This trend is familiar in Finland and other Western countries as well. Therefore, the decision of the British upper house is crucial for all of Western Europe, as it would likely halt asylum applications based on false premises in the island nation.

In the short term, this could mean increased pressure on EU countries. As a result, the ongoing rapid political developments in these countries (examples being Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Sweden) would likely accelerate, and the pressure to update international legislation related to asylum-seeking would strengthen.

This would not only be desirable but also vital for Western Europe to remain a prosperous home and haven for the continent's indigenous peoples and as a driving force for scientific and technological development serving the entire world.

Therefore, the outcome of Britain's Rwanda Law is by no means inconsequential, even for the Finns. On the contrary, its result is likely to shape our future and that of our descendants more profoundly than, for example, the ongoing presidential election.

The original thought in Finnish: 
Britannian Ruandalaki viitoittaa koko Länsi-Euroopan tulevaisuuden

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
A white family does not represent real Londoners
Finnish journalist called for British Prime Minister´s head to be placed on London bridge to dry
African female and Persian male ancestors

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