12 May 2022

Why Finland will apply for a membership in NATO

President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, explained why he wanted Finland to join NATO. I think there is a lot of wisdom in his message, and therefore I decided to translate it here. 

"I said in my New Year’s speech that ´in a fast-paced world, it is even more valuable than previously to know when to hurry, when to be patient´. This spring in Finland we have succeeded in this in a great way. Together we have rushed and tempered. The Finnish democracy has shown its exceptional strength.

Ensuring Finland's security has always been the most important goal. That has taken determined and rapid movements, but also time and cold-headed considerations were needed.

Now is a time to make the decision. I shared my opinion today with the Prime Minister: Finland must apply NATO membership as soon as possible.

With NATO membership, Finland maximizes its own security. It does not take anything from anyone, and neither is it against anyone. As a member of the alliance, Finland will responsibly carry its share on the security of the entire community.

Even for a NATO member, the geography stays immutable. Russia is and will remain a border neighbor of Finland. Therefore we must be able to take care of practical issues with Russians also in the future. NATO country Norway has been able to do this.

As a member of NATO, Finland will not grow any bigger that its size is. Determination is not always intended to look imposing. Our constructive line is appreciated.

Our Nordic connection is becoming even closer with the NATO membership. Alongside with well-being, democracy and human rights, the Nordic model will in future be even more widely known for its way of security thinking. We will have a strong, stable and responsible North. It increases stability, not only in the Fennoscandian countries, but also throughout the Baltic region and in the entire Baltic Sea area.

We are now in a historical turning point. But NATO membership will not change everything. The security of Finland will continue to be the most important goal of our foreign and security policy also in the future."

I think the text was typical to President Niinistö, and in my understanding opens even to foreigners why he has an extremely high confidence among the citizens. It is also an excellent coincidence that he happened to have his high position right now, when Finland was taking the last step towards a full membership among the western community of nations. 

Had there been his predecessor Tarja Halonen, these historical developments would almost certainly not have been taken. Instead, we would - even after the tragedy in Ukraine - have exposed ourselves to the Russian aggressor. And possibly ended sooner or later into a situation similar to the one in year 1939.

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