14 April 2022

Is President Putin on his way to repeat the destiny of Czar Nicholas II?

Finland will submit its application to join NATO within next few weeks as promised by the Prime Minister Sanna Marin. This process has also been noted by Russians. 

As a result, Putin´s propaganda office has conducted several actions. They include reminding Finland about their view that joining NATO would not bring stability into the northern Europe, poorly made fake videos about Russian troops on their march towards Helsinki, and as the very latest (today) by threatening Finland (and Sweden) that Russians will strengthen their troops by the borders of Finland - including hints of nuclear weapon placements.

It is clear - however - that Russia in its current position is not able to direct serious military pressure on Finland. Instead, it is almost humorous, how the "master strategist" Vladimir Putin in his stupidity escalated an almost frozen war in Ukraine, and as a consequence started a process in which its North-West neighbors - thus far neutral countries - are going to join NATO. 

And at the same time, the weakness of Russian army in Ukraine prevents Putin from seriously interfering this development. To be honest, I would like to know what he has in his mind: would it be something that we say in Finnish: "vituttaa kuin pientä eläintä" which translates to something like "annoying like a small animal" - although the Finnish wording is not that correct due to the first word pointing towards female genitals.   

We also have another proverb that is suitable in this situation. That is "tyhmyydestä sakotetaan". That translates as "stupidity is fined". 

In this case the magnitude of Putin´s fine will be at least a loss of two neutral nations to the Western military organization - and most probably also a loss of war in Ukraine - and thereafter quite probably a loss of his position as a dictator-like president of the Russia. If so, he might even be repeating the destiny of Czar Nicholas II after the military adventure in Japan 1904-05, which was fulfilled by Russian communists in July 17th, 1918. That is, death via execution.

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