16 April 2022

Demonstration of one´s own stupidity is a sign of western values

During the recent decades a total of 25 Finns have received a medal for  their friendship with Russia. Basically there is nothing wrong with that taken that Finland and Russia have had excellent relationship before the attack to Ukraine. 

It is, though, interesting to note some reactions on those recognitions after Putin started a genocide in Ukraine. Eero Heinäluoma - social democrat and member of the European Parliament - has discarded the medal into garbage after the Russian attack.

In the other extreme is a historian Matti Klinge. He is a professor, who said in 2013 that Crimea should be a part of Russia, and is proud of his recognition. He also has denied that Latvia was occupied by the Soviet Union. 

Even now he positions himself as a neutral person and stands passive avoiding any demonstrations of opinion. However, he could not be completely silent, but said to the journalist that "Ukraine has been problematic for much longer than now".

He also pointed out that "Russia is Russia, and remains a neighbor and a great power. One should try to think about how they see things. According to opinion polls, the majority of the people support President Putin and his foreign policy. It’s hard to say anything about that."

I must admit, that the views of professor Klinge are not mainstream views in today´s Finland. That is, however, a sign of western values in our country - something that Russians can only dream of. 

That includes a freedom of speech - including demonstrations of one´s own stupidity.

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Political rats and useful idiots
Why a journalist was unaware on the number of Stalin´s victims?

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