26 June 2024

The most effective Russian agent in the UK

Finnish general, member of parliament, and MEP Pekka Toveri (National Coalition Party) called the UK's Nigel Farage (Reform UK) the most effective Russian agent of the island nation. According to him, Farage has succeeded in undermining, among other things, the economy, healthcare, and domestic political decision-making of the former European military power.

Toveri was apparently motivated by Farage's blunder, in which he claimed that the EU and NATO provoked Putin into attacking Ukraine. With this opinion, Farage placed himself in the same group as individuals like Viktor Orbán or Alexander Lukashenko, who are completely uncritical in their relationship with Vladimir Putin's dictatorship.

However, the difference between Orbán and Lukashenko on one hand, and Farage on the other, is that they use Putin to stay in power in their own countries. Farage, on the other hand, is unable to gain power even with his help. Not now, and not in the future.

This does not mean that Farage does not have significant influence in British politics. If he manages to attract enough conservatives to his side, it will ensure a victory for the Labour Party in the island nation with all its consequences, and a loss for the Tories.

It remains to be seen how Farage and his party will succeed in attracting votes. And at the same time, whether a harsh electoral defeat will lead the Conservatives to consider moving the UK towards a proportional voting system, whereby the mandate received from voters would be more evenly distributed among the various parties.

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