In Finland only one out of four sex crimes are reported to the police, and it is highly probable that the announced cases are preferentially made by unknown people or are more serious than the ones quietened. Therefore true rapes are taken to investigations more often than other cases of sexual assaults. And rapes made in streets by strangers even more often.
Although rapes are serious crimes, every second victim of sexual assaults considers them private. This holds especially among young people, who are not informed about their rights and who do not fully understand the difference between legal sexual intercourse and harassment.
A serious lack of knowledge is probably common also in many immigrant groups. There sex crimes withing families made by husbands are only extremely rarely reported to officials, whereas sex crimes towards unknown victims may be practically always announced.
Despite above, the situation in Finland is considerably better than in Sweden. There only 5-10% (i.e. less than half of the figure in Finland) of sexual crimes are reported to police. Despite that, Sweden has one of the highest official rape records in the globe, only South Africa being clearly ahead.
It is often incorrectly claimed that the high rating of sex crime statistics in Sweden would be due to high and ever increasing frequency of reporting. Instead, it is getting more and more clear that both the shocking statistics and peoples reluctance to report on sex crimes are due to the growth of certain immigration groups.
Also in Finland both the number of immigrants and sex crime are increasing. In year 2014 police was informed of more than 1000 rapes whereas ten years before the number was on average "only" 800. In 2017 the number was already 1272.
According to a report by the Finnish Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, 23% of solved cases of rape were conducted by a foreigner in 2013. Considering the share of foreigners at the same time - 3,8% - the causality between immigration and rapes becomes evident.
This causality described above combined with the share of immigrants in Sweden as an order of higher than in Finland explains why the country is one of the leading raping centers of the world.
The lower reporting frequency of rapes in Sweden has also another conclusion. By combining that information to an order-of-magnitude higher share of immigrants in Sweden logically confirms that sex crimes among them are only rarely reported to officials. In other words, it falsifies the frequent claim that assaults made by immigrants would be reported more often that those by the original population - it is vice versa. The explanation lies in the immigrants patriarchal culture, where a rape by a husband is probably not even considered as a crime, no matter how much it hurts the victim.
The original story in Finnish:
Suomen ja Ruotsin raiskaustilastot rikkovat ennakkoluuloja
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