In a town of Oulu, located in north-west coast of Finland, a number of humanitarian immigrant-related sexual abuses - including a true rape-ring - of kids between 10-15 years have occurred. One of the victims has also conducted a suicide months ago. This has led to a set of reactions, that I want to share with my reader.
The first cases were not opened to public by police or other authorities, nor even by mass media. Instead it was a private person, who published information about these crimes in the social media. Thereafter also politicians and media had to come out.
Police, however, did not tell the whole truth, but instead lied that it does not know about any suicides related to the topic. Two days ago, however, a minor media - PT-media - published its finding that there is no doubt about the suicide. Soon after, the police had to announce that one of the victims has died, indeed.
Very interestingly, the lie by police has not raised any discussion in Finland. Not by media, not by ministry of internal affairs, not by the juridical system or not by any of the politicians. To me, that is weird, and I am waiting with great curiousness whether anything appears.
The Oulu crimes have also caused unpleasant publicity in Hungary to the prime minister of Finland, Juha Sipilä (center party). There media published a claim that he would have said that "you do not need to be angry to immigrants although they sometimes rape one of two little girls". Well, he has never said exactly that, but his first reaction on this topic was to remind citizens that the crimes do not give anyone right for hate speech or violence against immigrants.
Even after several separate cases of sexual crimes against teenager girls in Oulu - a town with about 200 000 inhabitants - the leading Finnish politicians have no willingness to tighten the immigration policy of the country. Instead, they are willing to increase resources to police, look for possibilities to oversee the social media and to find easier ways to deport criminals after their crimes. But not to tighten the demand for immigration by humanitarian grounds.
After all this in Oulu, I am waiting with great interest what will happen in the elections of the Parliament four months from now. At least the most recent opinion poll showed that the popularity of True Finns - the only party willing to tighten the immigration policy - has increased among voters. However, even after this their share of voters is just above 10%, and is therefore not going to change anything in the immigration policy - unless further voters get convinced about their policy during the election campaigns that have just started.
Meanwhile, it will be interesting to see, if Oulu was a special case among Finnish towns, or whether similar rape-rings can also be found in other bigger urban areas enriched by immigration from islamic countries. Or - in the light of police actions due to the Oulu case - whether similar cases have already occurred, but been out of publicity.
Previous thought on the same topic:
The Danish government proposed reforms for immigration policy
Rape statistics in Finland and Sweden are breaking prejudices
When will they ever learn?
This writing was a combination of several original thougths in Finnish:
Uusi ulottuvuus totuuden jälkeiselle ajalle
Oulun tapahtumien poliittinen jälki on vahvempi kuin Turun terrori-iskun
Valehteliko poliisi virkavastuulla Oulun raiskaustapauksissa?
"Ei tarvitse olla vihainen maahanmuuttajille, vaikka he välillä raiskaavat yhden tai kaksi pikkutyttöä"
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