20 January 2019

Twitter account of an remarkable politician was locked

The Twitter account of the leader of the True Finns - a political party with ca. 10% support among Finnish voters - was locked. The leader, Dr. Jussi Halla-aho, noted that "when discussing about affecting the elections, it may not be necessary to search the threats from as far as Russia".

The reason for the locking is unknown, but there is no doubt that its purpose was to reduce the importance of social media in election campaigns. Thus, it was a trial to narrow freedom of political speech. And this happened in a situation, where the rape cases in Oulu and Helsinki had inevitably shown that Halla-aho and his supporters have been right on the harmfulness of the Finnish immigration policy - and the leaders of all other notable parties been naive and completely wrong.

I hope that the aim of the persons behind the locking of Halla-aho´s twitter accounts was not to block democracy. And I also hope, that the people entitled to vote understand, that narrowing Halla-aho´s freedom of speech confirms that the tragicomic outcomes of other politicians and authorities regarding the immigration policy are only propaganda motivated by the becoming parliamentary elections next April. And whose purpose is - for the reasons I do not understand - to continue our lack of readiness to prevent the next migration wave from developing countries. 

I mean, a migration wave which will come with certainty. That is because of the population explosion and its consequences in those societies. As well as the generous services provided by Finland even to those, who do not have a right to stay in our country.

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
A set of immigration-derived sexual crimes in a Finnish town
Wishes to hell by novelist Itkonen
When will they ever learn?

The original though in Finnish:
Halla-ahon Twitter-tilin sulkemisesta

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