11 September 2022

Vakartšuk of the Okean Elzy: Finnish history inspires Ukrainians

Okean Elzy is the most popular Ukrainian rock band. And they are right now giving a tour of concerts in Northern Europe. The leader of the band, Svjatoslav Vakartšuk, was interviewed by Helsingin Sanomat, the biggest newspaper in Finland. 

During the interview he told, that he went to register himself as a volunteer immediately after Russia attacked his home country. He was, however, asked to continue as a musician to give Ukrainians inspiration to stand the war. And that he has done. 

The band has decided to give 400 tickets of their Helsinki concerts to Ukrainian refugees in Finland. And part of the profit from the two concerts will be directed to the victims of the war. 

In his interview Vakartšuk told that "you may not know how much your history inspires us. You showed that a small country can resist a much bigger neighbor. That is a common theme of discussions in Ukraine. Thanks for that."

I am pleased to hear that the sacrifices given by my grandparent´s generation are still used for something good. Both of my own grandfathers were injured during the second world war, but stayed alive. After saying that, I want to emphasize that I certainly hope Ukraine as an independent country will do the same! 

And to become another example of a small country surviving an unfair attack by its much bigger neighbor. And indeed: right now the situation seems to be excellent! Slava Ukraini!

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Tradition of low professional ability among Russian security agency and dictators
It takes heroes to avoid genocide
An ignorant mediahouse failed again in historical facts

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