21 June 2023

Putin´s Russia got mad about the Finnish chairman of the Parliament

Jussi Halla-aho of the Finns party was elected as the Chairman of the Finnish Parliament, after which he delivered a speech emphasizing the importance of respecting others.

Halla-aho reminded the Members of Parliament of their right and duty to bring to the parliamentary debate the values, opinions, and perspectives that the people have elected them to represent and promote. He also advised his colleagues that "adhering to the truth can be understood, for example, as not intentionally misinterpreting the statements of those who hold different opinions or constructing caricatures out of them. Besides justice, truth, and the constitution, representatives are not bound by any other directives."

Furthermore, he emphasized civilized manners by stating that "a discussion that respects differing opinions and values, including one's own, can bring us closer to common understandings. But if such understandings cannot be reached, ultimately the majority decides. This is how democracy works, and this is good."

Naturally, the Chairman's views may be considered self-evident, but it is excellent that they are articulated aloud. This is how a civilized state operates.

Unfortunately, Putin's Russia cannot be considered as such. And to make it clear to everyone, the state-owned news agency Ria Novosti reported that "Deputy Jussi Halla-aho, who called for the murder of Russian soldiers, was elected the new speaker of the Finnish Parliament. He is known for his anti-Russian statements and actions". 

The reason was that after the cowardly Russian attack to Ukraine Halla-aho donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine an artillery shell with an inscription "For the freedom of Finland". He justified this by stating, "the war is initiated and perpetuated by Russia. The war will end only when enough Russian soldiers have been killed, making it politically or militarily impossible for the rulers of Russia to continue the war. Therefore, killing Russian soldiers is a good thing, and Ukrainians should be assisted in killing them."

By the way, Halla-aho speaks fluent Russian and Ukrainian. That's why he has no problem in understanding the deepest nature of both nations.

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