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28 September 2024

Finnish Society Adopts Medieval Characteristics

A few days ago, I wrote about the change that is leading to the European Green parties' withering into insignificant political forces. This doesn't seem to be understood, at least among the Finnish Greens.

One could draw this conclusion, at least from the fact that some within the Greens have suggested that the party adopt a positive stance on polygamy and promote the legal recognition of more than one spouse. In practice, this would primarily mean the recognition of polygamous Islamic marriages as valid in Finnish society.

In this way, the Greens would bring Finnish culture a step closer to the medieval demands of Islam. Similarly, society is being steered in this direction by the increasing practice of women-only swimming sessions and by allowing unofficially the wearing of swimsuits in the sauna at public swimming pools. The latter is problematic because sweat gets trapped in the swimsuit during the sauna and later dissolves into the swimming water, fostering the growth of various bacteria, including pathogens.

The national broadcasting company has also taken it upon itself to reshape society according to the demands of immigrants. It has decided to begin broadcasting in Arabic and Somali. By doing so, the company could further reduce the already limited motivation of these immigrants to learn the Finnish language.

The driving forces behind all these changes have been, in particular, Green and left-wing politicians, who have received support especially from the value-liberal politicians of the National Coalition Party and the Swedish People's Party of Finland. Fortunately, the political influence of the Greens is declining, as well as that of the rest of the left.

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
The Rise, Fall, and Future of the European Green Parties
The attractiveness of Finland to welfare-seeking economic migrants reduces
Information for Asylum Seekers in Finland

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