Sweden is becoming quite well known for the crime caused by immigrants—drug trafficking, gang shootings, sending children to neighboring countries to commit crimes, rapes, and so on. However, I believe that the case that has now come to light is about something else.
In northern Sweden’s Kiruna, four drilling machines that were used to explore a mineral deposit have been vandalized. The damage was discovered on Friday, and a police report has been filed.
The vandalism occurred in an area where iron ore and critical minerals were recently found. The damaged machines, located in the forest, were used for drilling. The water hoses and tires have been slashed, and the fuel cans have been emptied.
After the incident, LKAB, the company responsible for the drilling, has strengthened the protection of the drilling machines and contacted the Swedish Security Service. The reason for this is that the area holds strategic importance, as the work done there is part of the EU's critical minerals strategy.
It remains to be seen whether the perpetrators of the sabotage are Swedish or from elsewhere. Personally, I suspect that it might very well be forces taking orders from the east, those currently waging one of the most foolish wars in world history against Ukraine.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Sweden's Rapid Demographic Shift Causes Challenges
How naive can the world's most intelligent people be?
History of Finland VIII: Joining of Finland to Russia led to an increase in crime
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