24 September 2024

Sweden is Soon Set to Surpass the One Million Mark for Illiterate People

Sweden has been known for its cultural and intellectual expertise, and especially for its welfare state, where everyone is taken care of and given excellent tools for life.

However, according to the Fria Tider the latest survey by Statistics Sweden, approximately 780,000 adults in Sweden are now illiterate. The reason is not primarily a flawed school system, but rather the rapid demographic shift caused by humanitarian immigration.

The solution to the problem is quintessentially Swedish, characterized by treating all people equally. As a result, Swedish children—whether they belong to the native population and are fluent readers, or immigrants who struggle to recognize letters—will now sit in primary school for a full ten years.

The change will take effect in the fall of 2028, by which time the number of illiterate people is expected to approach one million. Humanitarian immigration, however, is not intended to be reduced, but rather to continue as usual.

It remains to be seen how the literacy levels of both Swedes and "Swedes" will develop in the future, and at what point this trend will start to be reflected not only in crime statistics but also in the country's economy.

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Sweden's Gang Crime Recruits Children – Is It Time for the EU to Reevaluate Asylum Policies?
Sweden's Rapid Demographic Shift Causes Challenges
Sweden already in trouble - Finland following

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