14 December 2024

Mediterranean Taxi Service is Coming to an End

I just noticed information on social media indicating that Doctors Without Borders has decided to end its Mediterranean operations. The organization’s activities have essentially involved taxi-like operations, transporting people from the southern Mediterranean to EU territory instead of taking them to the nearest port on the African side. This has encouraged Africans and Arabs to attempt crossing the Mediterranean in unseaworthy boats, leading to thousands of unnecessary deaths.

The organization is funded through various fundraising efforts, where its activities are described as rescue operations. These appeals attract well-meaning people who want to support the cause without understanding its fundamental nature as a business.

According to the message thread reporting on the cessation of the Mediterranean taxi operations, “We have been forced to discontinue our activities with the rescue ship Geo Barents. Italian legislation and policies have made it impossible to continue in their current form.”

Unfortunately, the organization does not appear to be giving up and simultaneously announced that “We will return to the Mediterranean as soon as possible.” However, one can only hope that Italy and the rest of the EU maintain their now proven approach and ensure the final burial of Doctors Without Borders’ business described here.


  1. What do I read? Dear professor, you mean that spacequantumsurgeons can not come to Europe anymore? This is unhuman. I am sure the U. N. is not happy.

    1. George Soros is not happy!

    2. And president Alexander Stubb is not happy: "When you go to the east centre [in Helsinki], it's like Somalia. It's a great place".


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