Finland’s military self-sufficiency is increasing as a factory for producing TNT explosives is being built on the country’s western coast. This initiative also aims to address the shortage of explosives affecting Europe and the resulting problems in ammunition production. According to Defense Minister Antti Häkkänen (National Coalition Party), "the investment also enables the continued long-term support for Ukraine."
The factory will be the second large production facility in the EU for TNT explosives used in artillery and mortar shells, as currently, the only such facility is in Poland. Additionally, there is small-scale production in Serbia.
The project is being carried out by the Finnish explosives manufacturer Forcit, which expects production to begin in 2028. However, the initiative involves cooperation with Finland’s defense administration, authorities, and local communities.
Its impact on Finland’s and Europe’s defense capabilities, military security of supply, and employment will be significant. No wonder Finland’s defense minister was excited about it.
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Also, another interesting military news story was published today. According to it, Finland will deliver a defense equipment package worth nearly 200 million euros to Ukraine. The contents of the package have been planned in cooperation with the Ukrainians, taking into account both Ukraine’s needs and the Finnish Defense Forces’ resource situation. Beyond this, no further details about the package will be disclosed, as the information could also reach the Russians.
According to the Defense Minister, "We are providing exactly the kind of support that helps Ukraine defend itself in the acute situation on the front lines. Our resolve must not weaken—on the contrary, at this moment, support must be further strengthened."
This is easy to agree with. And one can only hope that other Western countries will also do their best to support Ukraine so that Russia, too, learns that it will not achieve its goals through military force but only destroy the future of its own society.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Will Finland Withdraw from the Ottawa Treaty?
Rediscovered Relics: The Story Behind Finland's WWII Weapon Caches
A factory of five billion mosquitoes
Everything that helps Ukraine helps Finland also. Putin is Russia, Russia is Putin.