12 July 2024

Finland to Tighten Asylum Legislation and Reduce Undocumented Residents

Finland is modifying its asylum legislation. One of the new changes will be the restriction of the right to appeal a negative decision.

This change is necessary because, until now, it has been possible in Finland to remain without asylum rights by making new asylum applications. Thus, people from safe conditions who have come to the country for social security reasons have been able to stay in the country for years.

The new legislative amendment will take into account the means provided by the new European Reception Directive, thereby reducing the number of undocumented residents. At the same time, the amount of reception money offered to them will be reduced to a minimum, so Finland's attractiveness is expected to decrease significantly among people from developing countries seeking to enter Western countries on false grounds.

This way, dishonest asylum applications can be reduced, thereby speeding up the processing times of applications from those genuinely in need of personal protection. It will also reduce the costs of asylum seeking for Finnish taxpayers.

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