22 July 2024

Biden's Withdrawal Opens a New Possibility for Democrats!

Yesterday brought the long-awaited news of Joe Biden's announcement to not pursue a second presidential term. This immediately reshaped the course of the U.S. presidential election.

At this point, many are likely certain that Biden’s withdrawal has secured Donald Trump’s re-election for a second term as the president of the world's leading superpower. However, I am not so sure about this.

Of course, I admit that Trump’s challenger is in a hurry to justify to the nation why he or she should be elected. The situation is not made any easier by the fact that the competitor has gained sympathy from an assassination attempt against him.

In reality, however, the new candidate—whoever he or she may be—holds a trump card, at least if he or she is relatively unknown to most of the electorate. This way, his or her first national appearance will create an unusually significant impression on the voters.

If this impression pleases the majority of voters, Donald Trump will be in trouble, because despite his great popularity, he also evokes a lot of negative feelings among people. Therefore, in a country with low voter turnout like the United States, an appealing candidate might motivate even those voters who could not imagine placing their trust in either Biden or Trump.

Therefore, the Democrats should look for a candidate who has the potential to successfully launch their campaign in the manner I described above. But if they fail to do so, another four years of Trumpism lies ahead.

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Joe Biden Must Step Aside, But Can a Suitable Candidate Be Found?
Biden's dementia and Trump's speeches may improve European security
Risk of dementia in the U.S. presidential elections


  1. Thank You for open minded thinking and blogging.

  2. Thank you for the first comment on this blog! And for the thanks.


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