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28 October 2024

Finland’s Minister of Finance Believes Not All Cultures Are Equally Good

According to Finland’s Minister of Finance, Riikka Purra (Finns Party), “No single tradition, attitude, or practice alone constitutes the core of Finnish culture. Finnishness is a unique combination of language, customs, values, symbols, and other elements". 

She also added that "This Finnish way of life has guaranteed progress here in the North. Year after year, research has shown that we Finns are among the happiest people in the world—even though there are fewer than six million of us. Probably not despite Finnish and Nordic culture, but rather because of it.”

Of course, this was a celebration of Finnish culture based on facts, yet it’s likely that Finnish media will give more attention to her statement that “when we evaluate things from the perspective of equality and non-discrimination, not all cultures and ways of life are equally good.” This claim aligns poorly with the currently popular DEI and woke ideologies, that often suggest that while cultures may be different, they are equally good.

In this sense, it will be interesting to see how Finland’s generally left-leaning mainstream media reacts to the Finance Minister’s views. Will her comment spark what is colloquially called a “shitstorm,” or will it prompt a reasoned discussion on different cultures and how they should be considered in Finnish immigration policy?

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Mistreatment of Women at the Olympics?
The stabbing of the 12-year-old led to political revelry among the left in Finland
A Finnish police officer is afraid to speak about the problems of immigration

1 comment:

  1. All people are having some kind of culture, someone use stones as tools, some other use Artificial Intelligence.
    Generally, the culture people create, shows the abilities of those people who create it.


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