21 October 2024

Vladimir Putin is Leading Russia into an Economic Ruin

Finland's Minister of the Interior, Lulu Ranne (Finns Party), stated that there are clear indications of sabotage organized by Russia in Finland, even though there is no conclusive evidence. However, there are circumstantial signs of Russia's involvement, such as breaches in Finland's water supply systems.

That said, Finns have no need to worry, as the country's authorities are prepared for a wide range of threats. Additionally, the police have been strengthened to face and counter armed attacks, which might target the police rather than soldiers.

Such attacks could include terrorist strikes or sabotage organized by Russia. To combat these and other destructive actions, Finland's police have acquired armored vehicles since the mid-2010s.

It is unfortunate that Putin's Russia has proven to be an unfit neighbor, acting in international relations like a pig in its pen. As a result, it misses out on the benefits that international trade and cooperation could offer—and once did offer during the Soviet era.

At that time, as much as a quarter of Finland's foreign trade was conducted with the Soviet Union. And in the later stages, when socialist technology fell behind that of the West, oil and other raw materials were used as “currency” to purchase Finnish technological products. These resources were then refined in Finland and sold on the international market.

However, those good times are now over, and Vladimir Putin is leading his country deeper into economic ruin. As a result, he will eventually be ousted from his position as one of the world's leaders—sooner or later.

* * *

Finally, a slightly different matter. I was very pleased today when I noticed that, despite his efforts, Putin failed to prevent Moldova from aligning itself more closely with a free Europe.

I am, of course, referring to the referendum on whether Moldova's constitution should include a commitment to seeking membership in the European Union. At the time of writing, it has become clear that this will happen, albeit with only a small majority of votes. This is yet another defeat for Putin on his and Russia's path to destruction.

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Russia Pays the Price for Its Foolishness
Russian Tax Overhaul: Citizens to Bear the Burden of War Losses
History of Finland XV: Paasikivi-Kekkonen doctrine

1 comment:

  1. I hope the Professor is right. Unfortunately the Moscow is good in the long play. The West with it's weak leaders can't act decisively.
    In example, Mr. Putin was using was using radiolocigal and chemical weapons on the British soil. What were the consequences? Nothing.
    Ok, those politicians are voted on their positions.


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