8 October 2024

Responsible Development Aid and New Priorities: Finland's Development Cooperation Reforms

Finland's development cooperation will be reformed during this government term. This means that the private sector will play a larger role in delivering development aid, and limited resources will be more carefully targeted to countries that genuinely seek growth and prosperity. These changes aim to increase the effectiveness of the aid provided.

Finland will also not cooperate with countries that support the current Russian administration. Additionally, development aid will not be provided to countries that refuse to accept their citizens when they lack the necessary conditions to reside in Finland.

At the same time, the amount of development aid will be significantly reduced and focused on the rights of women and girls, as several studies have shown that countries are more stable and prosperous when there are fewer restrictions on the rights of girls and women in education and the workforce. Of all the countries in the world, Ukraine will be the largest recipient of Finland's development aid.

In my view, these policies are excellent, although one could always question whether it is wise for a heavily indebted country to take on more debt to give money to others. However, this has been the practice in Finland and will undoubtedly continue in the future.

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
New aid package keeps Finland as one of Ukraine's biggest supporters
The Finnish Government is Unanimous on Fixing the Country's Economy
Getting asylum in Finland becomes significantly more difficult


  1. It is confusing that in Finland people do not dare to face the truth.
    We cannot afford to distribute money in every direction, even if the left and the greens imagine so.
    During the current government, we have seen how much opposition they face when they try to improve the country's economy.

    There are many areas in the world where there are too many people and there is a constant need for development aid.
    We also know that overpopulation is a problem and humans are constantly destroying the earth. There are simply too many people on Earth.
    It would be very important to limit the birth rate and introduce contraceptive methods where the population is a problem.
    You just don't dare to talk about this.

    1. Absolutely right. The root causes are never spoken.


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