14 October 2024

Message to Palestinians Who Want to Burden Finland's Healthcare System

A little over a year ago, the Palestinian Hamas organization decided to carry out a spectacular strike on Israel. However, after the initial celebrations, joy turned to sorrow when the target of the attack decided to utterly destroy the organization itself.

Now, the Palestinian government has asked Finland to take care of those wounded in the war of Gaza, as well as others in need of assistance. According to the organization's Minister of Health, "the children should come first. Especially children with cancer and those who have lost limbs. Additionally, there would be those to whom we wouldn't be able to provide surgical care, even if our hospitals were operational."

However, they failed to mention what would come after the medical services were up and running with the help of the children. Would terrorists, innocent women, or war criminals be next?

The Palestinian representative also forgot to mention that there have been many civilian casualties - at least partly because the terrorists of Hamas have operated from hospitals and hidden among civilians, such as in schools.

Despite all of this, support for the Hamas terrorists among the Palestinian population has not decreased—as one might expect from reasonable people—but has instead increased, even among the population of the West Bank of the Jordan River, which is typically more peaceful than Gaza. As a result, there are now even more supporters of violence among them than those who favor peaceful activities.

Based on what I’ve written above, I do not support transferring Palestinians—not even their otherwise innocent children—into the already resource-strained Finnish healthcare system. Instead, I urge the Palestinians to lay down their arms, hand over the Hamas terrorists to be judged by the courts, and direct their efforts toward peacebuilding and the creation of well-being in the areas they govern. In doing so, they can also eventually help the victims of the catastrophe started by Hamas.

Finally, I repeat the message I’ve already sent to all Palestinians, one whose significance they should consider very carefully. It’s a saying that goes, "a foolish head makes the whole body suffer." This, in a nutshell, explains why the Palestinians—and their children—are currently in such a poor situation.

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
What will Happen Tomorrow, on the Anniversary of the Attack by the Terrorists on October 7th Last Year?
Palestinian Youth Require More Understanding, Less Aggression
A Fair Peace Proposal for Gaza


  1. My humble suggestion is like this. Hamas decides to change it's founding protocol, no more the annihilation of Israel as a Jewish state. I don't know who and how this would be observed, of course Hamas would gave off all it's weapons.
    After Hamas has also agreed that there are a minimum of 50 genders Finland could take no more than 10 underage patients, who would return to Gaza after recuperating.
    Sad to say, seems Pekka Haavisto's spirit is strong in the Finnish Foreign Ministry and Elina Valtonen is less than I was waiting from her.

  2. Let's remember Russia's brutal attack on Ukraine and the systematic bombing of Ukrainian energy and electricity systems.

    Winter will be hard for Ukrainians. If refugees are coming from there to other parts of Europe, we must primarily help Ukrainians - not terrorists or their supporters.

    It is also worth remembering that today's child can be tomorrow's terrorist who does not seek peace.


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