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23 October 2024

Resisting Putin’s Foolish Dreams

Russia is hosting the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia. The host nation's president, Vladimir Putin indirectly acknowledged his secondary role by referring to China's president, Xi Jinping, as his dear friend.

According to Putin, cooperation between China and Russia is one of the most important factors in "balancing the world". This claim is, of course, at the very least, interesting given Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s posturing toward Taiwan and Japan.

Putin also wanted to paint visions of the future, like something out of a sci-fi movie. He stated that "we will continue to work with China to establish a new fair world order." A sentence somewhat reminiscent of how Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini might have phrased things in the late 1930s.

The positive aspect, however, is that Putin does not have the power to reshape the world order. And China likely has no desire even for a trade war now, considering its own economic struggles. Sure, some other BRICS countries—like South Africa or Iran—might be willing to side with Putin, but they don't hold significant weight in the bigger picture.

In this situation, it's important that the major Western nations stay united, both after the U.S. presidential elections and as anti-immigration parties in Europe grow more influential with each election, while also avoiding unnecessary provocation of China despite staying tough. Only by doing so can we ensure that BRICS leaders don’t get any ideas about pursuing Putin’s foolish dreams. 

Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Vladimir Putin is Leading Russia into an Economic Ruin
Western Countries Must Stay United Against the Russian Threat
Rising Trade Tensions Between the EU and China


  1. One should carefully consider what kind of immigration one is against. I think that :"I want my money"-people are not needed here. They are not oppressed, they come here only for their economical gain.

  2. It is confusing that in certain countries these anti-immigration parties favor Putin. A dictator and the worst murderer of our time, who seeks to destroy an entire state and its people - Ukraine.
    Quite a few people still understand what Putin's ideology means, i.e. that "Russia's borders don't end anywhere".
    If Putin is able to continue his activities, Putin will reassemble his army and attack Eastern Europe, making war inevitable.


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