As long as a society has a true freedom of speech it cannot be completely rotten. However, all totally rotten societies are lacking the true freedom of speech.
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24 December 2022
Merry Christmas!
Today is Christmas Eve. That is the day, when most children in Western countries are waiting for Father Christmas or Santa Claus - and many of them even think of him as a Finn.
I am also waiting for Santa Claus, even though I am not a child anymore. Or well, it is sometimes said that a person turns into a child again when he has lived enough. So why not me?
This year, I am expecting Santa Claus with a very special reason, because I will be in a company including both younger and older children. And that is why it will be interesting to follow their reactions when Santa steps in. And to notice once again that the older ones do not reveal the harsh truth about the old man with a huge white beard and red clothing to their younger siblings.
I find it difficult to understand how older brothers or sisters are almost always ready to join the adults and keep the secret on Santa Claus from their younger ones, even though they must burn from willingness to shed light on the matter.
Obviously the explanation is that they are even more interested in joining the group fooling the smallest in the family in a nice way.
With these words, I wish you - my dear readers - a Merry and Clandestine Christmas season!
Previous thoughts on the same topic (in Finnish, but readable in English by Google translation):
Enjoy Christmas!
Christmas memory
Christmas fairytale
23 December 2022
Is the world´s best skier in classical technique, Iivo Niskanen, going to recover from COVID-19
Kalle Rovanperä - a rally driver
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18 December 2022
Leaders infected by a parasite
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasitic protozoan that causes toxoplasmosis, which in humans is associated with a variety of neuropsychiatric and behavioral conditions. The parasite is capable of infecting virtually all warm-blooded animals, but may undergo sexual reproduction only in felids (cats and its relatives).
The parasite has been shown to increase rodents' chances of being preyed upon by felids by altering their behavior. As a consequence, rats that do not avoid cat habitations and are therefore more likely to become cat prey.
The famous Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA, has a diverse carnivore community including gray wolves and cougars, intermediate and definitive hosts of the parasite, respectively. In a newly published investigation it was shown, that wolf territory overlap with areas of high cougar density was an important predictor of infection.
In addition, wolves hosting the parasite were more likely to make high-risk decisions such as dispersing and becoming a pack leader, both factors critical to individual fitness and wolf vital rates. The change was considerable as the reported data showed that infected wolves were 11 times more likely than uninfected ones to leave their birth family to start a new pack, and 46 times more likely to become pack leaders - often the only wolves in the pack that breed.
The study did not provide data how this this behavioral modification of wolfs resulted in the parasite breeding in cougars, but according to the authors it is probable that the toxoplasmosis would create a feedback loop that increases spatial overlap and disease transmission between wolves and cougars.
Taken together, the above described results show an example of unexpectedly complicated relationship between a parasite with its two hosts. The obvious question arising is the effect of toxoplasmosis on the behavior of humans.
After all, it is very common. For example in the United States, approximately 11% of people have been infected, while in some areas of the world this is more than 60%. The infection rate in Finland is ca. 15%.
Despite this, there is no scientific information about the parasite´s behavioral effect on infected humans. However, after reading the article linked above I would definitely be happy to see some research on the topic.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Microbes manipulate their hosts (In Finnish, but can be read in English by Google translator)
World oceans are filled with previously unknown viruses
Seeing sex developed novel cultures
10 December 2022
Eva Kaili, unsurprisingly a Greek socialist
6 December 2022
Independence day of Finland now and 83 years ago
Finland became independent in December 6th, 1917. Or in other words: 105 years ago.
This independence of my country was challenged by dictator Josif Stalin of the Soviet Union in 1939 by a massive attack against its small neighbor. The Red Army reached the Finns' main defense line on the Isthmus of Karelia by 6th of December - the 22nd Independence Day of Finland. A Soviet division attacked over the Taipaleenjoki-river and by evening the Russian battalion had crossed Taipaleenjoki.
On the isthmus, the last part of the protective force (aiming to slow down the enemy´s attack) in front of the main station had retreated to Kiviniemi, north side of the main river in the area, Vuoksi. The battles ended for the night.
The battle of Taipaleenjoki was going to result in more than 10 000 dead Soviet soldiers and 2 250 dead and wounded soldiers of Finland before the war ended in Spring 1940. But that was not yet known during the Independence Day.
The Russians advanced also towards Suomussalmi in northern front. Finns quickly decided to clear the village and burn the buildings down. The situation in Suomussalmi was quickly developing into a threatening one. The headquarters formed a military group named a group under the lead of colonel Talvela to secure the southern direction of Tolvajärvi-Ägläjärvi.
The battles in Suomussalmi were going to result in a loss of more than 11 000 Russian soldiers as dead or wounded by the end of the war. In addition, a bit less than 1 000 Finnish soldiers were lost. But this was not known during the 22nd Independence day of Finland.
Foreign Minister Väinö Tanner organized an Independence Day reception for the diplomatic corps in the banquet suite of Hotel Kämppi. The traditional reception at the Presidential Palace was not organized.
Eighty notable Swedish public figures presented a petition in favor of helping Finland. No military help was, however, obtained from the Government of Germany nor from those of the Western powers UK, France and USA before the war ended.
With these memories I remind my international readers about the value of independence for free people! And wish Ukrainians faith and strength in their defense against the aggression caused by the successor of the same persecutor we had to face 83 years ago in Finland. Especially I want to thank western countries and my own Government for their military help to Ukrainian people.
In addition, I hope that brave women of Iran would get back their freedom taken by religious fanatics of the country after the Islamic revolution in 1979. And hope, that they would receive all support needed from the rest of the world to make that dream come true.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
The Finnish army is respected by Russians
It takes heroes to avoid genocide
Why a journalist was unaware on the number of Stalin´s victims?
4 December 2022
Long distance trade
A new route for the Ukrainian crops
Ivory trade from Greenland to Ukraine
Vikings and the technological cutting edge