As long as a society has a true freedom of speech it cannot be completely rotten. However, all totally rotten societies are lacking the true freedom of speech.
Most popular posts during the last 30 days
- Statistics on Sexual Crimes Committed by Immigrants in Finland
- Will European Culture Collapse Under the Weight of Islamic Immigration?
- Afghan's Rampage in Germany Signals the End of the Value-Liberal Era in the EU
- President of Finland Asked Whether There Are Top Politicians With Serious Intellectual Limitations
- Swedish School Shooting with Automatic Weapon Highlights Nation in Crisis
- Trump’s Tariff Weapon Worked, but Will Finland’s Development Aid Strategy Succeed?
- Finally, Finland Speaks the Truth Without Fear!
- Peacekeepers in Ukraine: A Rational Move After All?
5 March 2025
Donald Trump’s Reliability as an Ally Has Proven to Be Questionable
4 March 2025
Donald Trump Has Unleashed a Dangerous Development
3 March 2025
Too Many Finns Share Trump’s Inability to Comprehend
Today, in Germany, some idiot has once again decided to drive a car into a crowd. As a result, at least two people have died, and at least 25 others have been injured.
This case once again demonstrates that Germany – and Europe in general – is facing massive problems due to its immigration policies. That is why a complete reversal of course is necessary.
The U.S. President, Donald Trump, is an obvious fool in his approach to Russia and Vladimir Putin. Nevertheless, the latter part of his statement published by Visegrád, "We should spend less time worrying about Putin, and more time worrying about migrant rape gangs, drug lords, murderers, and people from mental institutions entering our Country – So that we don’t end up like Europe," makes a great deal of sense.
However, if he truly wanted to act in the best interest of ordinary people—both Americans and Europeans—he should address both of the issues he mentioned. In this regard, he could take inspiration from the Finnish government, which aims to tackle both the immigration problem and Russia’s imperialist ambitions simultaneously.
Unfortunately, it seems that too many Finns share Trump's inability to comprehend more than one problem at a time. This is evident from the fact that support for the left, which promotes the cause of criminal immigrants, is surging—even though nearly all Finns understand that Putin cannot be allowed to emerge victorious from his adventure in Ukraine.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Europe Needs Leadership and Urgent Defense Actions
Political Rhetoric Like Trump-Zelenskyi’s Has Deep Historical Roots
What will post-migration Europe look like in the future?
2 March 2025
Europe Needs Leadership and Urgent Defense Actions
The President of Finland, Alexander Stubb, told that he supports British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s initiatives for a new ceasefire plan in Ukraine. According to the president, Europe currently needs leadership, which Starmer is demonstrating.
Stubb also stated that the winner of Friday’s meeting between Trump, Vance, and Zelensky was Vladimir Putin. However, despite this, the relationship between the United States and Europe remains strong.
For this reason, he urged people to stay calm in a very Finnish way—by advising them to take deep breaths, have a cold plunge, go to the sauna, and think things through. He also promised to return to the matter later.
Beyond that, Stubb did not wish to give instructions to Volodymyr Zelensky either. Instead, Finland’s Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (NCP) stated that all European countries must strengthen their defense capabilities to the maximum extent, with the goal of being able to defend themselves independently within ten years.
He also noted that Europe is unlikely to reach consensus on this matter, so responsible nations must be ready to make joint decisions—even without those who are unwilling to participate.
It remains to be seen whether Europe will succeed in finding its footing in this changing situation, where military security must also be considered alongside the challenges posed by weak economic growth and internal security. A positive signal in this regard, however, is that the European Commission has just decided to reduce internal EU bureaucracy and regulations to enable economic growth.
To me, it is clear that none of the above issues will be hindered by Finland’s current leadership. That is why it would be beneficial for progress to be made quickly, as democracy may once again bring forth political movements or other leaders whose understanding does not always suffice to recognize facts—let alone act accordingly.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Political Rhetoric Like Trump-Zelenskyi’s Has Deep Historical Roots
President of Finland Asked Whether There Are Top Politicians With Serious Intellectual Limitations
Finland and the USA: Strong Allies with Shared Interests or a Trade Dispute?
1 March 2025
Political Rhetoric Like Trump-Zelenskyi’s Has Deep Historical Roots
Volodymyr Zelenskyi's visit to the USA did not end well for the Ukrainians. Instead, it became an event that will be remembered even decades from now.
Finnish professor of American studies, Mikko Saikku from the University of Helsinki, assessed that Ukraine's President made "a tactical misstep. As I understand it, he had been warned not to publicly correct Trump’s statements, even if there was every reason to do so."
According to Saikku, Zelenskyi should have been more cautious in the meeting because the position of a petitioner is always inherently weak, and Trump clearly does not consider Ukraine's fate a personal concern. Furthermore, "Zelenskyi has long been an unpalatable figure to Trump because he is closely linked to Trump's first-term impeachment trial."
* * *
French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the one gambling with the outbreak of a third world war is Russian President Vladimir Putin, not Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, as Trump incorrectly claimed. He also expressed hope that the United States would remain committed to defending democracy, as it always has.
For my part, I suspect that the current U.S. president may have fallen into a Moscow honey trap long ago, as has been suggested for years. In this scenario, he would have ended up engaging in sexual activities with Russian prostitutes in front of hidden cameras and microphones. This would explain quite well the current U.S. president’s toothlessness regarding Vladimir Putin.
* * *
That said, the kind of political rhetoric witnessed in the U.S. is not new but rather quite old-fashioned. In fact, such an example was set as early as 1571 by Russia’s Tsar Ivan IV, known as Ivan the Terrible, and Sweden’s King John III Vasa.
It was initiated by Putin's distant predecessor, the Russian autocrat, who wrote to the Swedish king as follows:
"We, Ivan Vasilyevich, Lord and Grand Prince of all Russia, ruler of Vladimir, Moscow, Novgorod, etc., write to John, son of Gustav, who, according to his own claim, is King of Sweden, the Goths, and the Wends, and who, on his father's side, descends from a certain village in Småland. You do not know at all how you should write to us."
He went on to state that Sweden was not "a vast kingdom capable of defending you against all your enemies."
Finally, the Tsar concluded: "In your last letter, you wrote that you wish to keep the peace with us. If you were wise, you would understand that the distance from the earth to heaven is long."
John, son of Gustav Vasa, responded to the Tsar’s diplomatic phrasing in a letter dated April 18, 1573, as follows:
"What absurd and boorish arrogance, lies, and belittlement you direct at us. Surely, your father must have been some monk or peasant, since you write so incompetently, as if you had grown up among peasants and vagrants who understand nothing of honor."
John further continued:
"We thank God that all Christian kings have given us the respect we deserve, except for you, who possesses only the intellect of a pig."
Finally, John emptied his verbal arsenal by stating:
"May you yourself become a mere 'stratnik' (low-ranking servant), a dishonorable slave, an unchristian chief liar, and a tyrant, which you already truly are, since you do not value promises, honor, seals, letters, or truth, as has been well proven."
I leave it to you, my esteemed readers, to assess whether this distant historical example is fitting for Donald Trump and his administration. To my ears, at least, it did not sound civilized.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Are We on the Brink of World War III?
Trump’s America: Criminal or Benefactor?
Is President Putin on his way to repeat the destiny of Czar Nicholas II?
28 February 2025
The Price of Xi´s and Putin's Game Is Paid by Ordinary Russians
Chinese President Xi Jinping told the head of Russia’s Security Council, Sergei Shoigu, that China and Russia should continue to strengthen their cooperation on international and regional affairs.
This development is, in a way, a continuation of the recent trend of China and Russia growing closer in foreign policy. However, it can also be interpreted as China seeking to increase its own influence over Russia in order to eventually turn it into a mere raw material supplier for its own industry.
Nevertheless, due to the war in Ukraine and the resulting Western economic sanctions, President Vladimir Putin—who has driven Russia’s economy into distress—is likely willing to accept Xi’s offers. He is also aware that his own time in power is nearing its end. Therefore, he needs to keep the Russian people satisfied for as long as possible to prevent any revolutionary threats against him and his administration.
In other words, Putin is willing to sacrifice his country’s and his people’s future for the sake of his own security and benefit. And there is little doubt that he will succeed in doing so—or that the price for ordinary Russians will be heavy.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Greenland's Future: A Battleground of Global Powers?
Highlights of the BRICS Meeting in Kazan, Russia
Resisting Putin’s Foolish Dreams
27 February 2025
What will post-migration Europe look like in the future?
26 February 2025
Peacekeepers in Ukraine: A Rational Move After All?
It seems that deploying peacekeepers to Ukraine might actually be a reasonable course of action. This is because Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has expressed his frustration over the UK and France’s proposal to send NATO peacekeepers after a peace agreement is reached in Ukraine.
According to Lavrov, the deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine is completely unacceptable, as it would only escalate the war that Russia itself initiated. As if Putin’s army weren’t already doing everything in its power to win the war.
Meanwhile, Finland’s Defense Minister Antti Häkkänen announced that Finland is launching a new support program for Ukraine, focusing on domestic defense industry orders. The first decision involves a €660 million funding package, based on Ukraine’s critical needs, the suitability of products for transfer, and the production and delivery capacity of companies.
The equipment will be delivered to Ukraine as part of future military aid packages. According to Häkkänen, Finland’s defense sector will be modernized over the next 10 years, including the development of entirely new products.
It remains to be seen what Lavrov thinks about these plans. Or will he stay silent and hope that Russia doesn’t have to revert to 1950s technology in warfare?
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
President of Finland Asked Whether There Are Top Politicians With Serious Intellectual Limitations
Finland Boosts Military Self-Sufficiency and Support for Ukraine
Putin Set a Goal — Failure Would Be an Embarrassment
25 February 2025
Russia’s War Rages On – And the World Keeps Funding It
According to a recent report, EU countries are spending more money on Russian fossil fuels than on financial aid for Ukraine. In 2024 alone, the EU purchased Russian oil and gas worth €21.9 billion but provided Ukraine with only €18.7 billion in financial support. Of course, in addition to this, the EU has donated military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
Nevertheless, this situation highlights that the EU has failed to reduce its energy dependence on Russia, which is waging a war of aggression. It also plays a part in the fact that Russia’s energy exports have declined by less than a third.
Or can this even be said? After all, the total value of Russia's oil, gas, and coal exports in 2022 was €356 billion, but in the previous year—2021—only €264 billion, and in the following year—2023—€250 billion. That’s roughly the same scale as last year, when it amounted to €242 billion.
The figures above clearly show that the world’s nations do not actually care that Russia attacked its neighbor. Or at the very least, they are not willing to sacrifice their own comfort to support Ukraine’s defense struggle.
One can only hope that this situation changes—and quickly—not only in the EU but also in other countries worldwide, including Donald Trump’s United States. If not, one must start questioning whether President Trump is, after all, "in Putin’s pocket," as was already suspected during his previous presidency.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
President of Finland Asked Whether There Are Top Politicians With Serious Intellectual Limitations
Finally, Finland Speaks the Truth Without Fear!
Zelensky Condemns Fico’s "Immoral" Support for Putin
24 February 2025
President of Finland Asked Whether There Are Top Politicians With Serious Intellectual Limitations
The President of Finland, Alexander Stubb, outlined today in Kyiv the facts that must be realized in any potential peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia. They are as follows:
1. Ukraine’s EU membership is for the European Union to decide, not Russia.
2. Ukraine’s NATO membership is for NATO to decide, not Russia.
3. Russia cannot decide on territories that belong to Ukraine or define its borders.
4. Russia cannot determine Europe’s security order, as it already exists.
All of these are, of course, self-evident facts that no serious politician would dispute. And that is why bringing them up would be unnecessary if every relevant party had common sense.
Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case, and even the most obvious facts must be reiterated time and time again. It remains to be seen whether the so-called top politicians of the world still include those with severe shortcomings in their understanding, revealing their intellectual limitations by advocating ideas that contradict the Finnish president’s list.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Finally, Finland Speaks the Truth Without Fear!
Trump’s America: Criminal or Benefactor?
Putin, Trump, and the Prospect of Peace
23 February 2025
Finally, Finland Speaks the Truth Without Fear!
During my childhood and youth, Finland was known for the fact that its inhabitants voluntarily self-censored everything negative that the Soviet Union did. This was the case whenever the Russians caused problems in the world, and even more so when the great power of the East humiliated Finland.
The Soviet Union eventually collapsed under its own misery, and finally, Finland dared to become a normal democracy, seeking its friends among like-minded nations—and ultimately joining the Western defense alliance.
The difference compared to past decades is truly astonishing. Or what should one think of the fact that Finnish Member of Parliament Timo Heinonen (National Coalition Party) has shared his own thoughts on social media as follows:
"Russia's ambassador to Finland, Pavel Kuznetsov! You, under the leadership of your dictator Vladimir Putin, started the war of aggression in Ukraine and committed war crimes. It is sad that you chose the path of a rogue state. The blame is entirely yours."
His statement is not particularly remarkable in itself but is firmly based on facts. And as such, it should be understood everywhere in the world—including in Russia.
However, as someone raised in a Finland that was once deeply influenced by the Soviet Union, this evokes very special feelings in me. Having experienced all that, it is truly great to see Finnish politicians addressing issues as they are and valuing adherence to facts!
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Finland Boosts Military Self-Sufficiency and Support for Ukraine
Finnish Minister Riikka Purra: “Putin Is a War Criminal, an Aggressive Imperialist”
History of Finland XV: Paasikivi-Kekkonen doctrine
22 February 2025
Will Tomorrow’s Elections in Germany Be a Turning Point?
20 February 2025
Finland to Tighten Citizenship Requirements Further
The requirements for obtaining Finnish citizenship are being tightened by introducing a citizenship test. The aim is to ensure that only immigrants who have successfully integrated, follow the rules of Finnish society, and earn their livelihood through work can become citizens of the country.
With this reform, Finland follows the example of several other EU member states, where citizenship applicants are already required to demonstrate language proficiency—which is already tested—as well as knowledge of society, but goes even further. Sweden, which has suffered increasingly severe immigration-related problems year after year, is also taking similar measures.
Additionally, the Finnish government plans to tighten the requirements for a clean criminal record and self-sufficiency, as well as make it easier to revoke citizenship from those who fail to live according to the norms of Finnish society. In other words, immigrants who have committed crimes or lived solely on social welfare will no longer be eligible for citizenship. Moreover, citizenship may also be revoked if an individual turns to criminal activities.
In Finland, the required period of residence for citizenship eligibility was previously extended to eight years, and only legally documented time is counted. For example, the period during which asylum seekers await a residence permit is not included in this time frame.
These changes are expected to ensure that Finland continues to attract work-based immigration while discouraging those who seek to live off the Finnish welfare system. At the same time, the reform is hoped to encourage all newcomers to integrate as constructive members of Finnish society.
In other words, the Finnish government's goal is to make immigration a positive factor for Finnish society rather than merely a growing burden in the future. As a Finn, one can only hope that this objective will be achieved.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Finnish Immigration Policy Aims to Maximize Benefits and Minimize Drawbacks
Immigration Policy Should Be Based on Evidence
10% of Foreign Students in Finland Failed to Meet Residence Requirements
19 February 2025
Preview of the Trondheim World Ski Championships
The Finnish Ski Association has named its team for the World Championships in Trondheim. It is now time to speculate on how the Finnish skiers will perform on the demanding courses of the land of fjords. I will do so in the order in which the competitions take place.
I will start with the women's sprint, which will be contested in the freestyle technique. Among the Finnish skiers, the highest expectations rest on Jasmi Joensuu, who has improved her performances for several years in a row and has climbed into the world's top ten in her discipline, most likely finishing between 4th and 6th place.
Other Finnish participants in the sprint are Jasmin Kähärä, Katri Lylynperä, and Amanda Saari. Finishing in the top twelve, meaning reaching the semifinals, would be a good achievement for them, but this group does not have realistic medal hopes.
In the men's sprint, Lauri Vuorinen has been the most successful Finnish skier this season, and thus, it is realistic to expect him to reach the final. However, like Joensuu, a medal for him would be a surprise.
Other Finnish sprinters, Niilo Moilanen and Joni Mäki, are question marks, but if they perform well, they have chances to reach the semifinals. Mäki, in particular, might even make it to the final if his improving form continues.
A medal for Mäki, however, would be a major surprise, which, if it happened, would push Vuorinen one place lower. For Emil Liekari, finishing in the top twelve would be an excellent result.
The next event is the men's skiathlon, where Finland's leading skier is Iivo Niskanen. He is the best in the world in the classic technique and would be the second-biggest favorite after Johannes Klæbo if the competition started with freestyle.
Unfortunately, that is not the case, so a realistic expectation for Niskanen is "only" a top ten finish. However, even the lowest step of the podium would not be a huge surprise.
None of the other Finns are expected to succeed in this race. Alongside Niskanen, the Finnish team includes Perttu Hyvärinen, Niko Anttola, and Arsi Ruuskanen.
Of them, Hyvärinen, who has previously performed well in major competitions, is the biggest uncertainty, but due to various issues this season, he is not expected to achieve notable success. Even with a very good race, his finish, like that of his two younger teammates, will likely be outside the top ten.
In the women's skiathlon, Finland is fielding two experienced athletes, Kerttu Niskanen and Krista Pärmäkoski. They are expected to deliver their best performances of the season, and at least one of them could make it onto the podium.
Additionally, Vilma Ryytty and Jasmin Kähärä will participate in the women's skiathlon. Ryytty’s chances of a good result depend on the classic section. If it is skied at a moderate pace, she could place in the top 20 thanks to her strong freestyle skiing.
Kähärä, however, is not expected to achieve such a result, even though the World Championships have fewer elite skiers than the World Cup. The same applies to Ryytty if the classic section is raced at full intensity.
* * *
The third event, the 10 km classic race, is the most anticipated of the championships for Finnish fans. In the men's race, Iivo Niskanen is the top favorite, and failing to win a medal would be a major shock. His toughest competitor for gold is likely to be Johannes Klæbo, who has improved his endurance each year.
Among the other Finnish skiers, Ristomatti Hakola has the potential to finish in the top ten. The remaining spots will likely be filled based on the skiathlon results from the trio of Hyvärinen, Ruuskanen, and Anttola. Any of them, on a good day, could place in the top 20 or even the top 10, as the field is not as deep as in the World Cup. However, they are not medal contenders.
On the women's side, Finland’s top contender is again Kerttu Niskanen. Like her brother, she is capable of winning gold, but the competition is fierce (Johaug, Slind, Diggins, Andersson, Sundling, Weng, Hennig, Carl, etc.), making even a finish outside the medals possible.
The biggest Finnish surprise could be Krista Pärmäkoski, who has been improving in recent weeks. If her progress continues, she could also claim a medal.
Jasmi Joensuu might enter this race if she wishes, but she may choose to conserve energy for the team sprint the next day, where she has better medal prospects. Additionally, Johanna Matintalo will compete—her season has been difficult, so high expectations are not realistic. If Joensuu skips the race, her spot will likely go to Vilma Nissinen, Amanda Saari, or Vilma Ryytty, without significant pressure for success.
Following the interval-start races, the championships continue with the classic team sprint. A rule change has made it harder for Finland to win a medal in this event.
The change means the qualification round now consists of just one lap instead of the previous three-lap race. This favors sprinters over distance skiers.
In the women’s race, this strengthens Sweden’s favorite status even more. Thus, Finland and other teams will realistically be competing for silver at best.
The Finnish team will feature Jasmi Joensuu and one of either Kerttu Niskanen or Krista Pärmäkoski, with the faster-finishing Joensuu anchoring. This team is expected to place second or third, but the same applies to Norway and Germany, meaning one of the three will miss out on a medal. Hopefully, that won’t be Finland.
In the men’s race, this is likely Niskanen’s second main event. He will be paired with Ristomatti Hakola, whose strengths are well-suited for this format.
Gold is the expectation, but Norway will be a formidable opponent, and there is no doubt that if Klæbo reaches the final stretch alongside his rivals, he will secure victory. Still, a medal for Finland is highly probable.
* * *
Summing up the Finnish prospects, I predict four likely and six possible medals. This indicates great optimism, so a correction factor must be applied.
If half of the likely medals materialize and around one-fifth of the possible ones come true, Finland will end up with three medals. This would still be a good result, as Finland won only one medal in the 2023 World Championships: silver in the men's relay.
Before that, in 2021, Finland claimed two medals: silver in the men’s team sprint and bronze in the women's relay. In 2019, the tally was just one bronze, won by Iivo Niskanen in the 15 km classic.
Let’s hope my correction factor is not too optimistic and that Finnish cross-country skiing fans can enjoy more medals than in the past three World Championships. And maybe even celebrate a gold medal!
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Eco-Fascist Blackmail: Threats of Sabotage Loom Over the World Ski Championships
A young woman skiing in a swimsuit caused a controversy among women
Is the world´s best skier in classical technique, Iivo Niskanen, going to recover from COVID-19
18 February 2025
The Complete Demilitarization of Gaza: What Would It Mean for the Palestinians?
Israel has set the complete demilitarization of Gaza as a condition for initiating the second phase of the ceasefire. In other words, the disarmament of Palestinian militants.
The demand is understandable, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it also becomes a prerequisite for any potential peace agreement. After all, Gaza has served for decades as a launch pad for rockets fired at Israel and as the staging ground for the October 7 terrorist attack.
From the Palestinian perspective, agreeing to this demand—and adhering to it—would clearly demonstrate a willingness to achieve lasting peace. Moreover, it would signal that the population in the area desires a fundamental shift in its relationship with Israel.
Additionally, disarmament could indicate that Palestinians have recognized that the methods of terrorist groups like Hamas lead not to a prosperous future but only to suffering. If this is the case, it would mean removing perhaps the greatest obstacle to their own better future.
However, it remains to be seen what Hamas will do in this situation. Will they prioritize the well-being of Palestinians and decide to abandon armed resistance, or will they continue a war against a stronger opponent—one that brings only misery to the people while ensuring lavish profits for their leaders?
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Criminals in the Holy Land, El Salvador, and Ukraine
Questions to the Winners of the Gaza War
The Responsibility for Their People's Future Now Lies with Palestinian Leaders
17 February 2025
Why Mothers Naturally Embrace the Challenges of Newborn Care
A recent study by Camila Servin-Barthet and colleagues demonstrated that the gray matter volume in the brains of biological mothers decreased rapidly during pregnancy and partially recovered after childbirth—though slowly and only partially. The researchers also found that among healthy mothers, higher well-being, lower perceived stress, and lower depression correlated with reduced hostility toward the newborn.
Furthermore, the mother’s overall well-being explained more than 50% of the relationship between gray matter volume recovery and maternal attachment during the postpartum period. This can be interpreted as an indication that neuroanatomical changes occurring after pregnancy influence mothers' mental well-being and, in turn, promote their attachment to their child.
Servin-Barthet’s study expanded humanity’s understanding of how the interaction between hormones, brain development, and behavior affects mothers in such a way that, upon their child’s birth, they generally experience the child as the most cherished part of their life and willingly embrace the great effort required to care for a newborn. At the same time, the study once again demonstrated how a scientific approach enhances our understanding of a vast range of phenomena.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Football-Associated Violence Is a Personality Problem
A Fair Game or Unfair Judgment?
Finnish women have enjoyed a privileged position since medieval times
16 February 2025
Will European Culture Collapse Under the Weight of Islamic Immigration?
15 February 2025
Trump’s America: Criminal or Benefactor?
The American Republican Senator Lindsey Graham raised the question of why Ukrainians should consider allowing Americans access to their natural resources. According to him, "a mineral agreement would secure American business interests. Putin does not understand what will happen if the agreement is signed. He is in trouble because Trump supports the deal—he defends the interests of the USA."
In other words, in its difficult situation, Ukraine could trade its mineral resources for the United States’ commitment to defending the country against the Russians now and in the future. The idea is undeniably interesting.
On the other hand, the idea can also be interpreted—and this is the general perception in Europe—as the Trump administration blackmailing Ukraine into giving up its natural resources in exchange for American support. Put differently, this would mean acting according to the principles of organized crime.
In fact, I feel that both interpretations reflect reality. That is, the Trump administration is indeed pressuring the Ukrainians, but at the same time, it sincerely believes that the U.S. has no obligation to sacrifice its resources—let alone its soldiers—to save a European state without receiving something in return.
Which side weighs more heavily in Trump's thinking remains known only to him. However, Europeans should take a hard look in the mirror and recognize that they—yes, they, basking in their own self-righteousness—have neglected their own defense. As a result, in 2014 and 2022, they were too weak to act as a deterrent against Vladimir Putin’s power politics—and even weaker in turning the war in Ukraine’s favor.
In practical terms, this means that European security policy must be completely rethought. Instead of EU countries trying to shirk their NATO expenses, they must now take the lead in demanding strict compliance. At the same time, they must ensure that each state increases its military capabilities to meet the requirements necessary to keep Putin and future Russian dictators in check.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Europe Needs More Money—and More Will—to Defend Itself
Finland Shifts Stance on EU Joint Debt Amid Growing Defense and Ukraine Support Needs
Finland and the USA: Strong Allies with Shared Interests or a Trade Dispute?
14 February 2025
Statistics on Sexual Crimes Committed by Immigrants in Finland
13 February 2025
Afghan's Rampage in Germany Signals the End of the Value-Liberal Era in the EU
12 February 2025
Europe Needs More Money—and More Will—to Defend Itself
The countries of Western Europe assumed that the collapse of the Soviet Union had made national defense unnecessary. However, the events in Ukraine have clearly shown that this assumption was, at best, naïve—if not outright foolish.
Recently, the issue has been brought back into focus, first by Donald Trump, who has demanded that NATO’s European members allocate as much as five percent of their GDP to defense. Yesterday, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte also weighed in, stating that European NATO countries must significantly increase their defense spending.
Trump and Rutte are, of course, right in their demands, but meeting them is difficult for most Western European nations. According to the annual report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), these targets are particularly challenging for countries whose economies are already struggling.
The least capable of meeting these demands are, naturally, those countries whose economies are not growing at all. Based on GDP figures, these include Moldova, Latvia, Estonia, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Germany, and Austria. Additionally, economic growth has been extremely weak—below one percent—in Hungary, Italy, Finland, France, and the United Kingdom.
The fact remains that Europeans must recognize Russia as a lasting threat to Europe's security, even if it is currently tied up in Ukraine. Therefore, despite economic difficulties, they should find ways to strengthen their defense capabilities.
Many countries have, of course, already acknowledged this, as evidenced by the fact that the combined defense spending of EU nations increased by 30 percent between 2021 and 2024. Unfortunately, the starting level was so low that even a significant percentage increase has not yet led to a substantial improvement in military security. This is why, especially in the EU’s most strategically important large member states—Germany, France, and Italy—as well as in the United Kingdom, defense budgets must be increased rapidly, as both Trump and Rutte have demanded.
* * *
In addition to weapons, a strong will to defend one's country is also essential. In this regard, it was alarming to see that only one in ten Britons aged 18–27 would be willing to risk their life to defend their country in a war—while 41 percent would not be willing to defend it with arms under any circumstances.
This stands in stark contrast to Finland, where 79 percent of people believe that the country must be defended militarily in all situations—even if the outcome appears uncertain.
If the situation in other European countries is similar to that in Britain, politicians must recognize that perhaps their most important task is to change it. Otherwise, Europe will eventually become nothing more than an easy prey for imperialist Russia—and perhaps even China.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Putin, Trump, and the Prospect of Peace
Estonia is Arming its Military, but Does the Nation Have the Will to Defend Itself?
Western Countries Must Stay United Against the Russian Threat
11 February 2025
Does Germany’s Ban on Arabic-Language Posters Signal a CDU/CSU-AfD Coalition?
Germany has banned Arabic-language posters in protests taking place on its soil. This decision stems from the fact that disruptive behavior and even outright crimes have increased in demonstrations held in support of Palestine.
Additionally, Arabic-language slogans have called— in Arabic— for the destruction of Israel and Jews, essentially advocating for a continuation of the Holocaust.
The police have acted swiftly, having already interrupted a protest in Berlin where the Palestinian cause was being promoted with Arabic slogans and music. At the same time, some protesters were arrested.
* * *
The ban on the Arabic language should be seen as a reaction to all the events (example, another) that have recently shaken Germany. It is also part of a shift in the political climate, which may ultimately allow Europe to retain its fundamental character despite the reckless immigration policies of recent decades.
For Germany, this has meant growing support for the immigration-critical AfD and BNW parties, as well as a shift in the Christian Democrats’ stance in the same direction. However, the CDU/CSU leader has stated that under no circumstances will he form a government relying on AfD support.
This is a strange promise because, without the AfD— which currently enjoys around 22% support— it is impossible to form an immigration-critical government in Germany. Any other government program would be tantamount to betraying the voters, which could lead to a collapse in CDU/CSU support.
I believe that Chairman Merz understands this as well and will therefore not betray the will of the people. Instead, he will ultimately form a government with the AfD, provided the parties can agree on other issues and current polling numbers hold.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Javier Milei and the Great Western Opportunity
Friedrich Merz Needs the AfD – A Precedent from Finland
Citizen Journalism, Free Speech, and EU Challenges
10 February 2025
The Real Problem with American Cars: Poor Market Fit
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, says he plans to impose import tariffs on the European Union quite soon. The reason for this is the weak demand for American products on the old continent.
This also affects Finland, as e.g. Tesla is the only American car brand with a significant market share here. Moreover, many of its models are manufactured either in Germany or China.
When it comes to cars, the problem with sales in Finland is not anything other than the weakness of American offerings. American cars are simply too large to fit comfortably into local parking spaces, and they consume far too much fuel.
The latter issue is largely due to the high fuel taxes in EU countries. While a gallon of regular gasoline costs just over three dollars in the U.S., the same amount costs around seven dollars (6.8 euros) in Finland. Additionally, the income level of Finns is about one-third lower than in the U.S., while taxation is significantly higher.
Therefore, the export problems of the U.S. automobile industry will not be solved by imposing tariffs on EU countries but rather by designing cars that are suitable for Finland and Europe in general. However, it remains to be seen whether American companies - and the USA under Trump's leadership - have the necessary willingness to do so.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Finland and the USA: Strong Allies with Shared Interests or a Trade Dispute?
Trump’s Tariff Weapon Worked, but Will Finland’s Development Aid Strategy Succeed?
Former President Donald Trump is Also the Upcoming President – But What Does It Mean?
9 February 2025
Finnish Artists Embarrassed Themselves Over the Eurovision Song Contest
Over the weekend, Finland selected a representative for the Eurovision Song Contest. However, I don’t know what kind of song she sings because I stopped following the competition a long time ago.
I decided to write about it today, though, because many well-known Finnish artists with leftist leanings—Eija Ahvo, Eero Ritala, Minna Haapkylä, and Sara Meller—are demanding that Finland’s national broadcaster boycott the contest if Israel participates. Israel’s representative is Yuval Raphael, who survived Hamas’s terrorist attack on the Nova music festival on October 7, 2023, by hiding in a bomb shelter under dead bodies. Despite this, she still has shrapnel in her head and leg from the attack.
To me, the demand made by these Finnish artists in this situation says everything about their morality. In short, it is murderous, criminal, cowardly, utterly rotten, and downright stupid. And for that, I feel deep secondhand embarrassment on their behalf.
However, everyone is responsible for their own words and actions. And it is not the fault of the rest of us Finns if someone wants to showcase their support for terrorism.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Eurovision Song Contest Funding Faces Pushback Due to Woke Ideology
During the Eurovision song spectacle, the incompetence of EU officials was revealed
Palestinians: acknowledging facts is the beginning of wisdom!
8 February 2025
Eco-Fascist Blackmail: Threats of Sabotage Loom Over the World Ski Championships
Norwegian eco-fascists are planning to disrupt the so-called "king’s race" of the Trondheim World Championships, the 50-kilometer ski race. The threat is serious, as these so-called activists have previously attempted to sabotage ski competitions.
The group behind the threat, Folk mot fossilmakta, has stated that they will cause disturbances unless their two conditions are met. These conditions are as follows:
- All visible logos and advertisements from fossil fuel companies must be removed.
- A short informational video about the treaty to stop the spread of fossil fuels must be played on large screens throughout the entire World Championships.
In other words, this is not just a demand—Folk mot fossilmakta has made a "Godfather-style offer you can’t refuse." They are blackmailing the organizers of the World Championships, threatening to destroy them—or in this case, the competition that both the organizers and the world’s best skiers have painstakingly and expensively prepared for.
It remains to be seen how the organizers of the World Championships will respond to this extortion. The easiest option for them would, of course, be to comply with the demands and fulfill the wishes of the eco-fascists. However, the problem with such an approach is that giving in to this kind of mafia-like behavior would grant it significant visibility—leading to even more similar threats in various events for increasingly bizarre reasons in the future.
The organizers’ headaches are further compounded by the fact that the "king’s race" in cross-country skiing is set to take place on a long 8.3-kilometer course, making it nearly impossible to guard completely. This remains true even though the eco-fascists will most likely try to maximize their visibility by staging their attack near TV cameras.
This is because, in mass start races, cameras are positioned to capture the entire course, meaning that sabotage can be carried out virtually anywhere. And the situation is further complicated by the fact that the 50-kilometer races are held twice in Trondheim—once for men and once for women.
It remains to be seen how the International Ski Federation and the Norwegian organizers will respond to the eco-fascist mafia’s threat. Will they give in to the blackmail to ensure that the competition doesn’t turn into a disaster? Or will they trust that law enforcement—ultimately responsible for maintaining order in the kingdom—will prevent Folk mot fossilmakta from disrupting the event?
7 February 2025
Finnair Pilots' Actions Spark Employer Countermove
Finnair is a Finnish airline whose pilots have recently engaged in various industrial actions, such as standby duty bans, leading to flight cancellations. The underlying reason for these actions is their demand for significant pay raises, as the pilots had previously accepted salary cuts to help save their employer, which had fallen into heavy losses.
However, the pilots now have something new to consider, as Finnair has announced the start of negotiations regarding pilot layoffs. The reason for this is an arrangement in which Finnair had leased two of its A330 aircraft, along with their crews, to a partner company. Finnair pilots have been operating flights on these aircraft from Bangkok and Singapore to Sydney.
According to Finnair, this arrangement has allowed the airline to put its A330 aircraft to productive use and provide work for around 90 pilots, even though, with Russian airspace closed, there would not have been enough demand for these aircraft otherwise. Despite this, the pilots' union has now expanded its industrial actions to include the critical Bangkok and Singapore flights, as well as the Sydney flights operated for the partner company.
As a result, Finnair is no longer able to operate these partnership flights reliably and has therefore started discussions with its partner regarding next steps, which include the possibility of terminating the agreement—and consequently laying off the pilots involved in these operations. It remains to be seen how the pilots' union will respond to this development.
In my view, there are three possible outcomes. Either the pilots call off their industrial actions related to this partnership, abandon their push for significant pay raises to save those at risk of being laid off, or—what I consider the most likely scenario—the situation escalates even further. At this stage, one thing is clear: the labor dispute is being played with stakes so unusual that such a situation has rarely been seen in Finland.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Do Finns have the patience?
Why Can't Finland Find Workforce?
A nurse´s question: who deserves health care, and who does not
6 February 2025
The Staring at Young Girls Revealed the Change in Finnish Society
Fifteen-year-old girls were on a train journey of about 500 kilometers in Finland. They had reserved seats around a table, but when they arrived, a man was sitting there with his suitcase.
The girls had asked the man to move his suitcase, at which point, according to them, he had rolled his eyes. Despite their request, the suitcase remained in their way, preventing one of them from sitting properly in her seat.
Later, the man had openly stared at the girls from head to toe, which they found extremely distressing. Then he took out his phone and stated that the young girls represented the wrong religion.
Eventually, the girls grew tired of the man’s staring and left their seats. As a result, they had to stand for several hours because they did not want to sit next to the man.
The news did not specify what kind of man he was. However, the comment about religion and the staring suggest—at least in my mind—that he was neither Finnish nor of European background, but rather a Muslim or someone from a developing country. This is also indicated by the fact that the Finnish newspaper—Ilta-Sanomat—did not deem it necessary to provide any further details about the man.
If—and when—I am right, this case is yet another example of the change taking place throughout Western Europe. As a result, a safe society based on good manners and rules is already becoming nothing more than a memory of the past.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Gun Violence in Brussels After Swedish Massacre
Who Tried to Abduct a Two-Year-Old Child from Their Grandmother?
Finnish Society Adopts Medieval Characteristics
5 February 2025
Gun Violence in Brussels After Swedish Massacre
As the investigation into Sweden's Tuesday mass murder is still ongoing, something unusual happened in Brussels. There, two masked men opened fire with assault rifles outside a metro station, though no one was injured.
Based on videos and photos taken at the scene, it appears that this time the perpetrators were individuals who had sought refuge in Europe from war and persecution, or at least their descendants—unlike in the Swedish massacre (as I had previously suspected). However, the motive behind their shooting remains unknown.
In any case, photos of the shooters at the metro station have been published, and the public has been asked to help identify them. This may help bring to justice those who endangered people's safety.
It is, of course, a coincidence of sorts that firearm-related incidents occurred on consecutive days in both Sweden and Belgium. However, it should be understood that these incidents stem from the societal developments of recent decades, which have led to rapid demographic changes in Europe (example) and, as a result, the polarization of different population groups.
Recognizing these facts is essential in order to make the right decisions to halt this ongoing trend. Only then can European societies be restored to what the vast majority of their populations desire: safe for their residents and structured to provide the greatest possible well-being for their communities.
Previous thoughts on the same topic:
Swedish School Shooting with Automatic Weapon Highlights Nation in Crisis
Marxist far-right and bullies
Prediction: Sharia law in force in the United Kingdom, Belgium, and France by the year 2044